Fire Hydrant Use
Without a permit is considered theft and criminal charges will result.
- pdf Hydrant Permit Application or fill out the web form application here
- pdf Hydrant Equipment Rental or fill out the web form application here
pdf - Instructions for Hydrant Permit Holders
1. Hydrant Permits For Tank Trucks or Hydrant Connections Greater Than 1-Inch:
A double check valve backflow preventer or certified (by Water Authority personnel) air gap of at least double the diameter of the fill pipe will be required for all water taken from hydrants served by the Clifton Park Water Authority for uses in this category. These uses include, but are not restricted to, hydroseeding, paving, construction, dust control, pressure washing, and sewer flushing.
A. Tank Trucks will be charged annual permit fees according to the following schedule:
Less than 1000 gallons - $500.00
Between 1001 and 2000 gallons - $750.00
Between 2001 and 3000 gallons - $1,000.00
Over 3,000 gallons - $1,250.00
All permit-holders of truck mounted or trailer-mounted tankers are required to adhere Water Authority-issued permit stickers to the rear of the tank in a location that is clearly visible whenever they are drawing water from system hydrants. These trucks shall also be clearly marked with the company name for easy identification.
B. All other uses require a yearly permit fee of $1500.00.
C. Prior to receiving a hydrant permit, the contractor must submit a completed application and have an inspection done on the tanker and/or equipment that is to be connected to CPWA hydrants. This includes determination of tanker size, and inspection of backflow prevention device or air gap, as well as appropriate gate valve and hydrant wrench.
D. All annual hydrant permits expire on March 1st of the year following permit issue.
E. Hydrant use is restricted to designated hydrants as specified by the Clifton Park Water Authority.
F. Upon discovery of backflow preventer malfunction, the permit holder is required to notify the Water Authority immediately. Failure to do so may result in revocation of hydrant permit.
G. Permit holders are required to submit to an inspection of equipment annually. Backflow prevention devices are required to be tested annually and a copy of the test report must be submitted prior to receiving a hydrant permit.
2. Temporary Permit :
The Clifton Park Water Authority will provide gate valve and backflow preventer for temporary use; 10-day maximum, 1-day minimum. Uses allowed include, but are not limited to special events, filling commercial swimming pools, and commercial street sweeping activities.
A. Permit fee will be $100.00 per day to be paid at time of application.
B. Permit is valid for specified hydrant only. Use is limited to permit holder or specified agent of permit holder.
C. The Clifton Park Water Authority reserves the right to deny any applicant a temporary permit for any reason.
3. Equipment Rental
The Clifton Park Water Authority will rent equipment (backflow prevention device, gate valve and hydrant wrench) to approved permit holders according to the following schedule:
3/4 inch - $50 per day with $500 refundable deposit*
2-1/2 inch - $75 per day with $750 refundable deposit*
*Deposit can be made in the form of cash, check or money order. Deposits will be refunded via US Mail within 14 days of equipment return. Equipment rental is subject to availability.
Hydrant Use Violations
Fines for violation of these regulations will be assessed as follows:
1st Violation - $500.00
2nd Violation - $1,000.00
3rd Violation - Revocation of permit and all hydrant use privileges.
Once permit is revoked, any use of hydrants on the Clifton Park Water Authority’s system shall be considered theft of service and criminal charges will result.
Testing of Commercial Backflow Prevention Devices
Commercial customers of the CPWA who are required to have testable backflow prevention devices installed on their connections to the water system, must conduct annual testing of these devices pursuant to the NYS Sanitary Code. These commercial customers have been notified of these requirements and must have a certified tester inspect the device(s) and submit their test data via an online application called VEPO CrossConnex.
Information on submitting the test data is included on letters mailed to the customer. Customers need to supply their VEPO CrossConnex (VCC) number to the certified tester in order for them to submit the data.
Customers must have these devices tested and test data submitted annually. A list of certified testers can be found here.
- Interruption of Water Service - 11/08/2024
- 2023 Annual Water Quality Report - 05/13/2024
- Testing of Commercial Backflow Prevention Devices - 12/03/2019
- With Cold Weather, Customers May See Cloudy Water - 02/07/2017
- Landlord/Tenant Arrangements - 12/09/2016
- Lead and Copper - 11/01/2016
- What to do During a Boil Water Advisory - 07/15/2015
- SCWA to Add GAC Filtration - 03/24/2014
- Welcome to the CPWA Articles Section - 12/19/2004